Interesting articles

  • How to help an alcoholic get rid of addiction? The concept of alcoholism, its signs and damage to the human body. Advice and recommendations to help an alcoholic understand his problem. Providing help with chronic drinking and at home.
    18 January 2024
  • Is there an easy way to stop drinking? And if it exists, then what is its essence? Since you have come to this page, it means that it is not easier.
    9 January 2024
  • How long do alcoholics live who drink alcohol every day or every other day? How chronic alcohol consumption affects health and longevity.
    1 January 2024
  • How long after taking antibiotics can you drink alcohol? Consequences of taking antibiotics and alcohol together. Symptoms of toxic effects on the body.
    24 December 2023
  • Many who are familiar with the problem of alcoholism do not know how to stop drinking alcohol on their own, considering the task impossible. The material contains effective ways to abandon alcohol addiction.
    21 August 2022
  • How much alcohol can you drink without harming your health? When can I drink again after drinking alcohol?
    7 August 2022
  • What is alcoholism and its stages. Causes and symptoms of alcoholism. Diagnosis of the disease. How to treat alcoholism?
    29 July 2022
  • To quit drinking, you must first prepare for an uncompromising fight against alcoholism and look for more interesting activities than alcoholic beverages. In the article, we will consider what recommendations are given by people who have managed to get rid of alcohol addiction, to those who have decided to stop drinking forever.
    24 July 2022
  • How different alcoholic beverages affect the body of a woman and a man, what dosages should be followed. How alcohol affects sex.
    23 July 2022
  • Is it possible to stop drinking for a woman at home, features of female alcoholism. Effective ways to quit alcohol, tips and tricks.
    20 July 2022
  • Alcohol after antibiotics: compatibility. Characteristics of antibiotic therapy and duration of drugs. Conditions of alcohol consumption after treatment.
    17 July 2022
  • Bad habits and their impact on health. How to make a person stop drinking alcohol: effective ways and means, useful tips.
    15 July 2022
  • If a person abuses alcohol a lot, then you can try to convince him about alternative ways of entertainment. If this does not help, there are special pills.
    15 July 2022
  • How to stop drinking alcohol for free? Effective ways and tips for people who want to give up alcohol.
    15 July 2022
  • How long after taking antibiotics can I drink alcohol safely? Can I drink alcohol while taking antibiotics? Answers to these and other questions can be found in the material.
    9 May 2022
  • How to overcome beer addiction and get rid of beer alcoholism with your folk remedies. Symptoms of beer alcoholism, what to do with beer cravings.
    24 April 2022
  • Think about how you can help an alcoholic stop drinking. What is home treatment and what are the advantages of therapy in a hospital setting. How to help a drinking person if he denies addiction and refuses treatment.
    22 April 2022
  • How to stop drinking forever? How to stop drinking alcohol with the help of folk remedies and drugs.
    18 April 2022
  • Many do not know how to stop drinking alcohol at home. To this end, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most effective methods and tips tested by many people.
    29 March 2022
  • Is it possible to drink alcohol after surgery on the joints of the shoulders, eyes, spine, hips? Why can not you drink alcohol in the postoperative period?
    15 March 2022
  • Opinion of a narcologist about the reasons and ways to stop drinking alcohol. Effective tips to help you overcome addiction.
    23 December 2021
  • Alcohol and drugs are incompatible things, doctors say. Patients, on the other hand, often ignore the ban because they do not know how harmful it is. But taking these substances at the same time can lead to serious health problems.
    3 September 2021
  • Allen Carr - The Easy Way to Stop Drinking: The Heart of the Method. The author leads the reader to the fact that he has a clear and unequivocal desire to give up alcohol.
    2 August 2021
  • Consider folk remedies and effective for the treatment of alcoholism. What exactly can be obtained. Special recipes.
    2 August 2021
  • Alcoholic beverages allowed for diet and their properties. What kind of wine and beer can be consumed and alcoholic beverages prohibited with a diet.
    1 August 2021
  • How to quit drinking alcohol and work on your own. Causes of intoxication and how to eliminate them. Consultation with a specialist in alcohol dependence, treatment.
    1 August 2021
  • A simple way to stop drinking is possible. In this article, we talk about the different options to help treat addiction.
    31 July 2021
  • How to get rid of alcohol effectively and quickly: causes of addiction, alarming symptoms, known myths about alcohol, the key to successful therapy. Tips that useful.
    31 July 2021
  • Causes of addiction and how to stop drinking alcohol yourself? Eliminate the root causes of alcoholism and tips on how to quit drinking.
    30 July 2021
  • Alcoholism is not a rare disease in our time, and it is extremely difficult to fight against it. But if there is a desire, the disease can be overcome. The article describes effective ways to get rid of alcohol dependence.
    30 July 2021
  • Consequences of the combination of antibiotics and alcohol, which antibiotics can be taken with alcohol. How many hours can I drink alcohol after taking medication?
    29 July 2021
  • What kind of alcohol to drink so as not to cause great harm to health? The article contains helpful tips to help you avoid problems from alcoholic beverages.
    29 July 2021
  • Lack of alcohol in the body and how much can you drink? Safe use statistics and dose calculation. Fees depending on the type of alcohol.
    29 July 2021
  • Alcohol damage to the body manifests itself in almost all organs and systems. The impact of alcohol on the human body can cause extremely dangerous diseases that lead to death.
    29 July 2021
  • How much alcohol can you drink per day without harming your health and the risk of intoxication: doses of different types of alcohol and rules for calculating the individual rate.
    25 July 2021
  • Common myths about alcohol consumption, causes and stages of addiction. The medical and social consequences of drinking alcohol, ways to fight addiction.
    26 April 2021
  • Is it possible to suddenly give up drinking, as it will affect the body. Characteristics of alcohol withdrawal, consequences of alcohol rejection, high quality rehabilitation.
    21 April 2021
  • It is true that moderate alcohol consumption improves health, and beer alcoholism is worse than vodka.
    20 April 2021
  • Gradual rejection of alcohol helps in severely neglected cases, so the body suffers less, and the addiction recedes for a long time.
    19 April 2021